This week has been an absolute nightmare
Yuuumi OTP
Planning to go to the language learning program at Ewha. Is it hard to get into the Level 2 program?
Studying korean for 6 months as a Swede.
Studying in Korea is amazing, but man so frustrating
Living in Seoul?
Projects to build a portfolio as a student
Premier league in korea
Snus 스누스 in Korea
Which makeup product do you swear by?
Help with visa
What to bring before moving
Bi-Weekly /r/Korean Free Talk - Entertainment Recommendations, Study Groups/Buddies, Tutors, and Anything Else!
Study group on discord for adults
How is live in Norway ?
Advice for a December/January Trip to Norway?
Can We Stop With the Untrue "Norwegians are So Unfriendly/Nasty/Cold/Worst People Ever" Posts?
Man im so jealous of people with a lot of eyelid space
norwegian boyfriend dumped me, can't cancel plane tickets. What to do in norway for 24 days?
Any advice on how to look better???
To my halfies on this sub, or anyone who's Thai but grew up outside of Thailand, how fluent are you?
K-pop songs you think sound “Odd” or “Strange” (In a good way)
Love Song for Illusion [Episode 12]