Why do project aces put so mych detail in cockpit if we are going to have our FOV set to 20 the whole time???
Spec Ops The Line Native Linux
Why did they remove cockpit mirrors in ac7?
Running Late, but Couldn't Skip a Quick Coffee
I kinda need some help
Average AC playlist
Playtest: Revived F-16 FLCS and Cougar of my ViperPit with X4: Foundations and Battlestar Galactica mod
AC7: I'm on mission 11 and I still have only 3 planes.
Girlfriends "battery box"
Want to transition to Hetzner, need help
Let's commit a [fictional] war crime - sorry 😅
Driver with the situational awareness of a potato
Never letting anyone drive my shit again
The route plotter is really working overtime on this manoeuvre, the two stars are only 2.5Ly away from eachother lol.
Label-printer for my DIY rig
Made the switch. Loving it but Audio is a mess. Pro Audio/Streamer Audio setup options?
Profi Abschlepper am Werk
Now that’s how ya do it
Demo: FreeSpace 2 Open with head tracking from Viture Pro XR glasses IMU data
Steam Deck, Xreal Air, Elite Dangerous - aspect ratio problem
DCS is hard.
Object Storage cors error
So this just happened, Repair person fell through living room ceiling
possibly stuck in germany, i need help/advice
Is this worth making a report/complaint, or is this really how Germans feel?