After 10 years, Arlington will finally get a farmers market
Apparently they wanted me to tour terminal C?
Went to the North Sea to look at the Typhoon Squaking 7700 but I'm More Interested in the Surveillance Falcons
Hawker Diversion Squaking 7700
Anyone else terrified of losing them?
Health Anxiety Friends: How many checking apps/devices do you have?
Low resting heart rate while on Propranolol.
If you've ever experienced anxiety, read this.
American Airlines emergency over Chicago
GAD and excessive worry about health?
My boyfriend told me I buy too many stuffed animals while “mansplaining” to me about my income so I bought her to spite him
Lack of tension causes anxiety
I really don’t know what to do anymore.
Anxiety when it stops?
Did I just stumble upon the Eagles Return flight to Philadelphia?
Welp, this is gonna be big
Anyone on Propranolol?
Circling over New Orleans
Make sure you’re monitoring your caffeine intake on this med.
Health Anxiety, Panic attacks and GERD
Body sensations "move" after one stops
Is my mom a hater?
Caught three guys breaking into a car in Kensington Philadelphia. Improvised slim jim on roof
What's a good way to eat a lot of chia seeds?
Wait wtf is a Mi24 hind doing in the middle of the California desert?