Who is the biggest loser you have ever met?
How rare is it? I caught it a few minutes ago
Few questions about Yakumo passive...
I have been playing Palworld and a math problem arose and would like to have a definitive answer from you
What mechanic is so common in videogames, but would be strange to see in real life?
What has been the most fucked up shit you have seen on Reddit?
What sizes are considered as small boobs?
What is the best thing to say to someone to very subtly fuck with them?
What sucks the most about your job?
Look this new Pal... I mean Pokemon I saw. Such a unique design that I hope no other game will copy
What’s a subtle sign that someone is secretly going through a really hard time, but most people wouldn’t notice?
If space exploration becomes a thing, how would we know our location and how to navigate?
What do you want to vent about?
People who want kids but have none, why do you want them?
What is the most useless superpower you can think of?
Men of reddit, what is your opinion of a woman's body count? Does it affect a romantic relationship with them, and how much should it ideally be?
When I play palworld, after a while my PC sounds goes off and I can't hear anything, not either chrome or other apps
What does the Middle East need to achieve prosperity?
How do you knows which pals are worth making sausage with, and which pals are better to keep?
You are at the mall eating, a random kid appears and steal your burger, what is your next move?
What has been the worst dating experience you have ever had?
What are some drawbacks of being physically attractive?
Airport workers of Reddit, what has been the weirdest luggage you have seen someone carry?
You are a single father, as your wife died during birth, when your child turns 5 you do a DNA test, and realize they are not yours. What do you do after?
How can you be certain of other people's consciousness?