AITA for demanding that my fiancé's parents change their plans to have a vacation at the same place as our honeymoon?
NYC recruiters: how is the job market in TA right now?
What's Happening Over at Gainsight?
laser hair removal recs?
A company ripped me off two years ago. I went in on them with all my might and stole 6 of their employees. Today, they closed their company after 33 years in business!
What were you most common side effects when you first started taking Wellbutrin?
Will quetiapine cause weight gain even if I’m not consuming excess calories?
Looking to relocate in my 30s…where to?
Anyone else struggle with feeling increasingly unsexy?
That feeling when xD
Anyone else in a LTR disinterested in having a wedding/getting married at all?
New Head of Talent at a Series A startup. What are the tools necessary to scale?
How do I approach my manager about a problematic co-worker, without making things worse for myself?
Oh my god. I'm starting to fucking HATE walking this dog. He eats off the ground the entire time we're walking.
Any other women struggling with weight now?
Are there any entry-ish level sales roles that can easily get to 100k in the US?
Broke up with my bf because he wants to have children
Which industries do you not enjoy recruiting for or will not touch?
Agency recruiters looking to go in-house: do you name clients on your resume?
I have around $13k in a business account from side hustling. What should I do with it to maximize savings and tax benefits before EOY?
People who had their requests/PTO denied and called out being sick/other, what was the aftermath?
What's the riskiest career move you've made?
A candidate asked at the end of our screen: “have you heard of the gospel?”
Is 50K debt worth going to an ivy league school over state school?