Blacksmith ran off after first quest and can’t continue, please help! [KCD2]
Maybe finding my Grandfathers old war chest.
Found this song today.
Gather round kids.
Be considerate please!
Outstanding move
Nailed it!
Interesting roof style in Germany
My nephew was about an inch short for the best rides at Disneyland. Problem solved.
Here I sit...
The Lizard Men may be real
Real Men Working in Trees
Yes, doctor. Exactly like this muppet.
My granny's statue broke to pieces so I salvaged what I could.
It may not be “Finger Lickin’ Good”, but . . . .
Life tip
I’m struggling to find the perfect name please help!
I mean technically, I'm having a movement.
Adam Sandler shares his wisdom!
Black Hole
Fucking Martha is a bitch
Had to share this with you guys
I knew that the house we used to draw in kindergarten does exist
"He's got dem 'rona!"