Should I just accept my low social status for now? I don’t know what else to do.
boyfriend grabbed my neck/jaw. what do i do??
Is it possible to get a BF if you look 15 at 21
Why do men seem to struggle more when they catch a cold?
Anyone else hate romance books too?
21F, Never had a job before, working on writing my first ever resume, what to do you think so far? Please roast and give advice (personal info and location redacted)
Why do a majority of men on Reddit pretend that most households have a stay at home wife?
Is it too immersion-breaking if I invent a close planet?
Did anyone else feel maternal seeing Trudeau cry like that?
Do you feel that there’s not as much employment / job advice for women?
I did not study for a very important final tomorrow
i HATE being a pakistani
Since the popularisation of LLMs, has your approach to writing A.I changed?
Small-scale sci fi
I just finished the game…
What is the distinction between franklin, lord of the manor and landed gentry in 14thc England
Words/Phrases that sound wrong in a medieval/fantasy setting?
Why is it everyone here has the insanest most batshit crazy unreal and fucking interesting plots in the world?
I don't want to write stuff set in India..
Go 4B, men abhor their girlfriends and wives.
Kids under 16 to be banned from social media after Senate passes world-first laws
Australia has banned social media for under 16's. What is your take? I like it
What's your most "Oh damn, they really were just like us back then," fact?
Cats don’t like me and i don’t know why
How do you properly email someone for work experience?