It’s faster in a car
What kind of monkey is this.
Matt Sauerhoff is not a good neighbor
Rate my itinerary. First time
Did you know that the ocean contains sea salt?
United seat power ports are old and often too loose to work with US plugs. Throw a UK adapter in your bag, they work better, don’t fall out as easily.
The Queen's hand 2 days before her passing vs Trump's hand now
PrEP with Apretude injections (cabotegravir long-acting) & side effects
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
Who do I pay to figure out why I'm getting chronically sick in my apartments? It's ruining my life
Andrew Ramdyal Course’s Boring
1995 Nickelodeon Time Blaster Alarm Clock
CERTIFIED PMP with 40-50 hours of preparation ( which is 2 weeks, 3 hours each day). [Strategy explained]
Snow tomorrow
Name some quirky, off the wall glory holes in Denver.
Must visit restaurants in Paris
Do adults eat banana pudding?
Is it ugly?
AIO GI nurse found my instagram and emailed me
BlueSky for professional dialogue?
Pulling wild stunts mid-flight to keep people away.
75 day trip: Carryon and a backpack or backpack and a big luggage?
My experience on this sub so far
DOGE just destroyed Duke. No more Indirects, no more Duke.
The real tragedy of the 6th Gen is how the rear seats fold