How can someone be this cruel?
James Afante laptop issue
It’s almost Valentine’s but this little boy broke my heart today
Using coupons on first date - yes or no?
the stance of a predator
she’s feeling a little cold
Cat vs workstation
I'm nowhere near prepared to take the board exam but I have to
This cat's face😭
Kumo is now toothless. Thank you to everyone who sent her support! 😻
Why does the temporary pin for my new DBP atm card not work?
Please help. Uno got hit by someone. :(
Rescued Kitten Tips
Does anyone know if Special Cat (wet food) changed their formulation? Who do I contact to know?
Has anybody heard of PetMarra? Is it any good?
CC's suddenly stopped working
Should I let go?
Online food delivery guy sent lewd texts to my wife
Re: ABYG for answering my childhood friend's new girlfriend like this?
Update on Mr. Black Cat
Which one should I choose? Help me decide! 🙏
A very tiny insect is stuck in my screen HELP
"ALPHA female"