just got kicked out of a guy’s house after bleeding on his mattress
They just canceled my sterilization. And every other woman's within the organization.
"Pregnancy heals endometriosis"
Is this crazy?? My husband's response to me making fun of people who's "adult" waifu's looks 14
My partner does not know how a vagina works
Any SSHG authors that write their own original works of fiction?
Feelings about Pet Project by Caeria, similar fic recs?
What are your top three fics of all time, and why?
Mature Ron and Harry
looking for 2 fics
Question about linen tapes
I cannot make my sewn textblock actually stay stacked/flat in the press.
Dark/Dark leaning Hermione?
Fic where Snape takes ownership of his healing?
This is too loose, right?
How long is it really necessary to leave signatures in the press at this stage?
Just had a positive copper IUD insertion experience and wanted to share
Recommend me Marriage law/Binding fics while Hermione is a student
What drew you to our couple? (because they are a couple in my headcanon)
Extra Fizzy Root Beer problem
Virgin Hermione
Smutty recs
Severus working with/for the twins/George at WWW
Plot heavy bdsm
What is the 4B movement?