Whatsapp on a jailbroken iPad?
Is it me or the battery not very good?
Thinking about upgrading
Switched from S23U to the S25U. Here's what I noticed fr.
I Hate S25's S Pen.
Oneplus 6T still draining battery after battery replacement
What are you all running for a case, camera and screen protectors? Or all in one case?
Camera protectors - yes or no?
S Pen Swap
Recommend me a budget controller like Razer Kishi/BackBone One
S23 Ultra - Red dot blinking on screen randomly
My Zero:2s survived a trip in the washing machine
How do I know I've got 5G Unlimited enabled?
Switched from S23U to the S25U. Here's what I noticed.
Extending life instead of throwing it away.
Slight pressure needs to be applied for the phone to detect S-Pen. No magnetic case is installed. is it faulty or no
Gcam vs Stock vs Snapchat 10x
Had my hands on the S25U. Here are my thoughts.
This thing turns 10 today
Change animations on Noble ROM
Who is at fault here?
Enough s25 talks for God sake
Every Samsung "S" model. Which one have you owned/used?