Why does Dole refer to himself in the third person? Also is it possible to do better in 1996?
I feel like it shouldn't be this easy to beat Kennedy as Goldwater
Crushed Spooner as Bryan in 1900 while sending troops to the south over the Wilmington massacre
Turned the dems into a regional party in 2020 Realign
It's Joever: 2022 edition
Which election was more contentious?
Still can't believe Bloomberg got crushed that bad. Are the Federalists finally done this time?
Still can't believe Bloomberg got crushed that bad. Are the Federalists done this time?
You wake up to see Guam has just been called in the 2028 Democratic Primary. This is where the delegates stand. What happens next?
The people have spoken
2028 Prediction
A Reverse 2008
If the US Presidential Election was a World Presidential Election
In a reverse 2008 scenario, who would be the most accurate GOP equivalent of Obama?
If Republicans support funding transit and infrastructure and funding national parks, I will seriously consider voting Republican
I have returned to meme the Trump admin into oblivion
I go away for two weeks, come back, and now I'm being called weird by people who put kids on puberty blockers
The last few days have given me 2016 flashbacks
The lettuce seeks a new challenger
Being a Parent is a Privilege, Not a Right...
"Communism made a handful of people extremely rich and powerful at the cost of everyone else"
They're just gonna hand the man the white house at this rate
Libleft is a lil confused
A fascist guy posted this in a whatsapp group I'm in (with and without funny colours).