28M, Williamsburg, Taking any and all advice on what to do with the space
Waiting for Parsnip!(Yes, he is on vacation.) So post your shoutouts and sentiments here! Because I know I am ready for tomorrow, have your best day!
Playing n64 through HDMI
New GameStop Controller For Mobile Phones.
Fjárfestingar fyrir byrjenda
Inverse H&S. Gap fill tomorrow or after hours. Boom.
Teenager gives her social security number to scam site to buy clothes
What do you guys think of this portfolio? Open to suggestions, this is a taxable account
Peruvian Bull on TWTR: “The Fed lowers interest rates to 0% to get you to load up on debt. Then they raise the rates once inflation gets “too hot” to bankrupt you. Debt slavery is the norm in the Fiat system.” 🔥
Hvar eruð þið að fjárfesta?
Hey hands up if you’re still here and staying in the stock
The unbearable neighbours are at it again
Funny car we saw on our road trip.
My husband's to-do list
Never gets boring! Red/Green: just continue feeding our awesome DRS bot +75
And Solana is down again! People are unable to transact and even the Oracles are broken.
Disney is now trading at same price as before pandemic ($137)
GME-LRC-DRS This Is The Way.
Anybody else all in? 😤
Inflation will not be 7%. Not even 6%. Because that would cause panic on the markets!
PSA Announcement:
DD: Here's what happens if there is over voting (more shares voted than issued)
Things that make you go hmmmm