Outfit reccomendation for using this boots, I was thinking of maybe wearing some black baggy jeans
24 October 2023 - Daily Chat Thread
16 December 2022 - Daily Chat Thread
tried cosplaying as gojo in one of my local anime convention
Photos of how crowded Comifuro 15 is
Becoming gojo kw in Comifuro 15
Ternyata Bjorka cuman seorang reseller dari Dark Web??? Is this true???
10 May 2022 - Daily Chat Thread
09 May 2022 - Daily Chat Thread
21 April 2022 - Daily Chat Thread
Only Garnt Survived The Snowstorm in Hokkaido
Uncultured European here, I have a couple questions about Indonesia
Trash Taste but only Connor is alive
Kenapa kalian pakai nama yang sekarang kalian pakai sebagai user name di reddit?? Jelaskan!
why cant they just make it aligned
Renting cosplay
Nude Discord [free] [no invites] [a lot of content]
This dude straight up wants the government to REJECT the economy.
Masalah pas di tokped
Help, I can't access Reddit now! Megathread
What do yall think about this? image was found on twitter
02 April 2022 - Weekend Chat Thread
How does one determined cards price?
buat kalian2, wibu Indonesah... share dong, kenapa lu bisa jadi wibu dan separah apakah kewibuan lu? udah tobat belom, kalau udah gimana caranya dan sekarang lu gimana?
Do any of you all even watch tv nowadays