Shame Is Not in Their Vocabulary
Funniest SNL skit I've seen in a LONG time.
Kangaroos are always ready to fight.
My brain refuses to accept this!
maybe maybe maybe
Slides are hard
Back in 1972, Charlie Chaplin was honored with a 12-minute standing ovation, one of the longest in Oscar history.
A collection of smalls I’ve found over the years of working at a rubbish dump in the UK.
Tulip fields in the Netherlands
Little man got jobs to do
The infinity drawer!
Adopted child with down syndrome smiles at her mother
56 of an Oodle of Unmuted Faves
My shoe laughed at me
Tyler the Shoe
Bug teeth.
Leave me alone.
Bro had no reason to do all those spins
Please roast George so I can laugh. Don’t hold back 😭
What do we say to the God of death?
Smoothest moves I've ever seen.
Professor Green Day
This barber giving makeovers for women
Making music using only your mouth at this level is simply incredible