ive been seeing videos of ice shroom in plant nersury, but not in mine, any idea why?
I'm gonna build my pc soon, any tips?
Any offers?
This is a brain rot test. Say the first 2 words that come to mind when you see this image
Can anybody help me with trials (I need help with everything including indra dough kind and blue gear)
who can carry dough raid for free
LF perm ice or dark
trading this
Trading for leo
Anyone got a Magma Shark anchor combo ?
W / F / L
Looking for trades
Anyone trading any perm fruits
Looking for fruit storage
Trading everything
No words needed anyone need perms better hurry
Ayo anyone want to hit me up?
Any offers for perm dough??
Im trading a perm buddha for a dragon,Leo and a dough
choose 1
LF offers trading dragon