Message I received from my dad today
Carpet's tiktoks
What’s the worst pic you’ve ever taken of your cat?
Durham Tickets
Need help diagnosing dead hive
How do you explain to a cop why you have pinpoint pupils?
Did he drown in it? Choke on it? So many possibilities!
Post the last photo of your cat. No cheating!
Choose wisely
My grandma has had this brush for so long..
Save some alternative for the rest of us
Is this animal cruelty or "cute"?
Females are weird~
The only food we got in my shelter is canned condensed soup thats over a year out of date.
Humble Brag Attempt?
I always see “I don’t smoke/drink/vape or do drugs” as the VERY first listed habit in these “born in the wrong generation” videos. I have dumb theories but I’m curious about what y’all have to think about this 🤔
House cat suffering from Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy - a rare condition that causes muscles to grow excessively large
Made tea with micropowder
Sunny Day Real Estate is Christian Rock
say hi to my little new friend. I hope it won't be an as difficult plant as the internet says it is 🤞
What band is this?
get with it, sisters!! your own life choices don't align with mine so you're doing it wrong :)
I saw a stranger crying at Starbucks
All right guys its been fun but i cant do this anymore
Why do my pothos plants do this? The longer I have them, they start to grow marbled looking leaves. Am I taking care of them wrong? Every pothos I’ve ever owned has done the same thing