is there any way to make the fitment better? max width and et but still only barely fits the wheel well
I have no fucking clue??????
how can i put this crossing at the right angle?
the schematic for my tunnel bore is now available! fair warning it might be laggy but try it for yourself. schematic link will be in the comments!
Guys, now we need alter egos for poultry man
I retextured the hay bale to blend in with the other textures and make it more realistic
when they were street running, is there a reason the track is on one side of the road opposed to the middle? bc the train will probably need to be going both ways anyway and this layout causes it to go against traffic sometimes?
Annoying "feature"
Explaining in 15 seconds why AC EVO's licensed modding will be inferior to AC's chaotic modding
Whats your Favorite design from Disney era?
What Keybinds do you use that people think is weird?
i cant login since my steam account is already linked due to playing war thunder, and there doesnt seem to be an option to skip linking
the darkness/fog in my world seems to be acting up
What I asked for vs what I got
what could be happening here?
a friend send me the download to the save from a server, but the world seems to be reset but my character isnt?
That’s my current rig
if i run this plus the shh shifter and potentially a cheap usb handbrake how many usb ports/sockets would i need? also lmk if you would change anything in this setup
nothing i do works and i dont think i can skip/cancel this this tutorial
made a tunnelbore that im quite happy with, it should also work
[osume giveaway] classic black nemui keyboard!