Found this photo on my phone
I want that so much!
Mijn visumaanvraag voor Australië was goedgekeurd !
Why do some ferries require a vehicle?
Some kids can do really bad things. Do you think there are kids out there that are genuinely evil or they all act out of nature and bad kids just lack proper education?
Reward of bad drivers in Amsterdam.
As the U.S. Withdraws, Can China Take the Helm?
Given the budget of the Pentagon is $800 billion (substantially more than any other nation-China is second at $296 billion) is the American military much, much better than any other?
on an official Chinese propaganda post
Do they realize?
Everybody else vs Chinese
What are some questions You would like to answer, but people haven't asked?
Aye yo lmao 😂😂😂
Did parents in 80s REALLY allow their kids to roam freely or is it more like a portrayal seen in movies?
My armrest on the ferry in the Philippines today.
What the heck is wrong with Bollywood, every week an old film rerelease, most of them had earned enough in their original run (except tumbaad and stk )why the heck makers rerelease them? This film is just 8 years old!
Europe’s Nightmare Is Here: They Have to Fight Putin Without the US
Newtonian Mechanics at play
Do European last names with the same meaning come from the same origin?
Found a wallet with $200 and I returned it to it's rightful owner who yelled at me and insisted that there was more money inside it and accused me of stealing it.
Need help with translation
Why should we Turks fight and die for the lands that we cannot even visit without a visa, which is denied most of the times?
Why is China seen as an enemy?