Do you find it easy to talk casually about health problems with other people your age?
What was your school lunch like?
Your parents' or grand-parents' best WWII stories
What stories did you hear about life during the Great Depression?
Did your parents send you to the store as a child alone?
What are your plans for 22 December 2032?
What made you realize that you'd really left the world of working people?
What are your plans for the weekend?
To what degree does politics impact your relationship relationships with family or friends?
Chocolate milk?
Why did you have to work post ‘retirement’ age?
What was the first body part that made you feel old, and why?
Where are my fellow skateboarders?
Age gaps in partners later in life...
Partner? Boyfriend?
Snow sledding, what was your go-to sled?
What's up for the weekend, my fellow long distance time travelers?
Very beginner question
What are some trends from the 1950s that I should include in a 50s party?
The hardest thing in life is knowing early on whether you're electing the right goals and values
American old people, have you ever seen a flag with less than 50 stars flown?
How do you feel about LGBT+ people and how have your views evolved over time?
Your memories of everyday life
Cheyne Stokes breathing when dying - does it indicate loss of higher brain function?
To those who are facing a difficult road, RN with geriatric concentration