Jesus Christ....that's Jason Bourne
Paratrooper on Solomon!
Found My New Favorite Headshot Weapon!
Thinking outside the box
An unvaccinated child has died in the Texas measles outbreak
As a Tanker, these guns (Pak 40) are the FIRST things I go after, not even opposing tanks unless I have too!
I Swear This is a Different Video! (At least I am consistent)
LMG users, I see the fun in it now
Is this game still active on OCE servers XBOX?
Bf5 on playstation
2 birds 1 fliegerfaust
Keep fighting the good fight
Sweaty stacking on ps breakthrough
7 dudes why
How can i avoid getting shot down so easily as a bomber?
First Time I Did THIS Flanking Maneuver--I just never ran into a defender!
Insane flank with the T-34
Proper Way to Kill a Tank (The only way I can do it)
Wait for it! Wait for it! (Another one)
Enjoy My Sweet Revenge!!
I Luv laying traps
Enjoy My Sweet Revenge!
Mg42 help