Question on pilots or avuation “nerds”
LH1668 and it is getting a bit bumpy
Flying in 4 hours and I’m already stressed
Can someone please track LH1671? Is it all ok?
Awsome from the pilots
How safe is this aircraft?
The aircraft I will be flying on has been grounded for 3 days by Wizz Air (low-cost), according to Flight Radar. Is it a red flag?
Flying Lufthansa A319
Who plays better at CAM? (Pick 3)
Psn network still down
Upcoming flights already make me anxious
Guess the Div
Dynamic Duo
Is he worth the price? If yes, when to buy? Thanks!
What to upgrade? 4mil budget
Any upgrades? 200k budget
Who to pair up for cb?
Any room for improvement? 120k budget
Heart Rate false readings?
Cand invatam sa ne asiguram? (Sau sa conducem)
Left turn without checking first
Când învățăm să ne asigurăm? (Dar să conducem?)
Who to pair up for CB?
Who to buy for LM and CAM? 300K budget
Any better formation for this lineup?