Jiraiya 💔
27 hours of travel with this one to get him to his new home. Not ideal but worth it.
You’ve just won $1 Billion! What are you definitely NOT gonna do ?
I posted a few days ago about my kitten Olive being unwell and I’m absolutely devastated because she passed away today
People who are single by choice, what is your reason?
5 weeks after adopting this feral leaning cutie she finally trusted me enough to discover the joy of sofa sleeps!
What's a feature that is considered "unattractive" by stupid beauty standards that you love?
Anyone else’s cat actually a pretzel who sleeps with their tongue out? 😋
What's something weird, but harmless and non NSFW that you're into?
Excuse me, I have a question 🙋
If you have the power to create a new law of order for your country or state, what would it be?
It's true
What is your favourite alphabet in English language?
What career fields are currently over saturated?
How does your cat like to sleep?
What's real love for you?
When you think you're a master of disguise, but the curtain disagrees
What's the first defense equipment you gonna take if AI takes over the world?
bro my cat i cant 😭😭
Batman got his name from his fear of bats, using the same logic what is your superhero name?
He followed me into the bathroom (as usual) and did this in the sink
It's Biscuit's first birthday! Send him gifts (pictures of your cats) please 😻
What's *the best* thing happening in the world right now, in your opinion?