I'm a documentary editor, and am building the perfect tool to edit talking heads/interviews.
Books or resources to improve podcast interviews?
Setting to let handbrake go slower than it can, so that it doesn't heat up my computer? Chill mode?
Goodfellas is our shortest-feeling long film! What’s a long feature film that also feels long?
I love Figma's collaboration experience. What other apps have good seamless collaboration experience?
Do you feel like Netflix style documentaries -- which tend to overplay, overdramatize and over-explain -- has killed the verite/observational documentaries that try to capture the human experience, which was once the meaning of documentary?
If you run a film school program and use only Criterion special features as your course content, what would be your picks?
what movies have you rated 1/2 star?
For those of you who had dreams of "making it" in Hollywood: What do you do now?
What movie you blindly tuned into and it turned out to be one of the greatest? I’ll start
For editors here who also directors/shooters, how much would you say editing makes you a better director/shooter? And in what way?
Starting Oliver Stone's "Untold History of the United States". Very interesting.
Dropping out of film school to pursue film?
Seeking a Creative Editor for My New YouTube Journey!"
What is making movies nowadays not look like the movies we grew up watching and loved?
RECOMMENDATION REQUEST: Documentaries where it's mostly one person talking, like Soderbergh's "Gray's Anatomy" of Spalding Gray, or even Fog of War... Minimal b rolls, no reenactment. Just talking head.
I can't stand these AI-generated voice podcasts
As an editor, what tells you if the director you're working with is good or bad?
How to shoot on FX3 and upload directly to the cloud? (Blackmagic Cloud for example)
Hi I'm new to editing. Sowhat is the best free text to speech to use? I'm really on a tight budget so I can't afford premiums right now sadly.
Looking for good movie/filmmaking podcasts!
Who are the Ken Burns of other countries from whose works we can learn about their culture and history? RECOMMENDATION REQUEST
Does anyone know how to get videos to have this smooth quality?
You can't expect a book written with AI to sell.
How has AI made things worse in your industry?