AFK teammates in plunder are so goddamn annoying.
Nerfing controller aim assist??
What's your "I'll die on this hill" opinion about the band?
We Need Ashika Island and Vondel back !!!
What is stopping you from going to the gym?
Can someone please explain?
What current day artist reminds you of MF DOOM? And why.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
If you could only take three Tarantino films and the rest disappear forever, what three are you taking?
what's the worst bug you ever faced?
What is this guy's most underrated role?
How to improve 1v1s
What have I done?
Is there even SBMM in Warzone ?
If I did anything else as much as I play Warzone I’d be a god at it
My theory on WZ for the casual player
Do you hate Dave Smith?
Say something good about this film
For being the legend Wiz is, he could really step up his rolls and get better weed 👀
The lack of side modes is disappointing.
Your favourite shows that no one talks about?
What do Brits think of Canadians?
So we all know, the "Freessshhh" from Fab 5 Freddy's "Change the Best" is one of the most often used scratching sounds, it's from 1982, what were the popular scratch sounds before that time?
The ‘Clean-Living Vegan’ Thing Was Also a Lie
Russel Brand is a wacko conspiracy theorist nuthead. Who here agrees?