Why the out performance?
🚨BREAKING: Snoop Dogg ditches Spotify to launch music exclusively on $HBAR using Hedera native Tune FM
Bro, someday (in the near future) someone is going to do a documentary on all the breadcrumbs and it’s going to be ridiculously obvious in hindsight…
Is there any hope for this grapefruit that our landscapers butchered?
So much for “centralized garbage”
Ħ Prediction - We will see Spheres (aka private hashgraph networks) announced fairly soon, maybe even this week at HederaCon Ħ
I know, I know. It’s never an egg. But… is it an egg?
Hedera website occasionally displays incorrectly
Seven Springs, PA
Does it even matter which one you hold from top 30?
Where do you hold your $HBAR?
If we go under .245 we are so done. Best bullrun ever. Yay!
Hedera HIP Talk | Release 0.57: Long Term Scheduled Transactions
Introducing HIP-423: Long Term Scheduled Transactions | Hedera
We dippin
Are you holding after altseason?
Ħ Born in the USA Ħ
Why are people talking about selling HBAR when HBAR is the only coin that may adapt to the post quantum period?? Can someone convince me to sell rn? Or give me reasons behind? Lol
One dog down. Almost top 15.
Recent spike? Any new?
From X via @CreusMoreira $LAES and HBAR direct acknowledgement
Avery Dennison at NRF (National Retail Federation) - Spoke with a rep after and they confirmed that neither Optica nor Connected Products nor European Digital Product Passports will require a publicly auditable digital ledger