the perfect episode
what’s an episode that you feel was super underrated in terms of how disturbing it was?
the witness s11:e2
Ep 20 s8 Alchemy
the boys of sudworth place
I’ve been going back and watching the Danny eps and I forgot how funny they are
AITA for choosing my boyfriend’s family over mine for Thanksgiving?
Is there a reason why everyone hates Elle so much?
S08 E12 zugzwang
the good earth
jason from “the pact”
i love you tommy brown
i think we’re good y’all
What episode wrecks you every time you watch it?
emily in the later seasons
Espo’s wedding gathering
Other Peoples Lives Patreon?
Who do you think will be the biggest stars coming out of Euphoria in like 10 years from now?
Danny and Jt
Season 3/4 Filming Question
the slave of duty; emily
the performer
nameless, faceless
what episode of criminal minds did you first say "what in the actual fuck did I just watch"