is this just iron-stained quartz? very weird looking pattern
rock identification help
Don’t support Shultzys sausage
Found these in Acadia National Park on the shore of a cove and would love to identify them
So what exploded?
Why I am starting a campaign against Lime scooters - join me?
3 loud booms 2:30 am?
florida election for 2 seats in the house
Pet wood?
My father had passed this down to me, and we were wondering what this is?
I bought this in a gift shop. Any idea what it is?
I don’t want to sound stupid to my brother
Can you help me understand how this is a blunder for black?
Petrified Wood?
What is this - very light
Just saw Delta Flight 2880 get struck by lightning over lake union
Anyone know what this large rock is? I bought it from a street vendor and he didn't know what it was. It's definitely translucent so maybe some kind of green chacedony? It's the color of jade but I've never seen botryoidal jade before.
The lines make me think agate
The coolest looking rocks I have ever found. These were after they came out of the rock polisher. Any thoughts on the names of these, which were found in California?
Thought it was coprolite but light passes through it.
Backyard rock
Assuming this is calcite. Guesses on the matrix rock?
Found this today while excavating. Any ideas?
three different stones on bolo ties i found thrifting today
The Latest Executive Order is Out and the Threat Level to Our Democracy is the Most Severe as of Yet