what are you tired of people saying to you?
when was a time you were almost attacked but were too quick and unknowingly evaded the assault, and you did not realize this until later?
a group of masked men break into your house restrain you with duct tape and force you into a van and they drive you out into the wilderness and are preparing to chemically dissolve you alive in a barrel what is your response?
Woman admits she made up rape claims that put innocent man in jail and reveals she targeted him over his ‘creepy’ looks
I hate realizing how creepy my yard is
what is something that enrages you every night?
what are your neuroses?
what is something you are too prideful to do?
how weird awkward and out of place are you in public?
Elon Musk takes aim at Reddit
how do you indicate that you do mot want to answer something?
why are you a terrible son?
what situation would have gone so much better if you had only kept your composure?
what was the most recent shitfest that unfolded that made you think to yourself “fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK”?
what was your most recent humiliation?
what is something you have to prevent yourself from having nightmares about when you’re sleeping?
Despite being a horrible series, what are some things Metastasis does better than Breaking Bad?
what is something you lose sleep over for fear of dreaming about it?