O fim está próximo.
Can I take a moment to say how much I hate this wording?
Almost 2 weeks in and mods are already making the game so much better!
FEMA Simulator 2025
For all of 7's issues, I appreciate how many ways they removed tedium from the game
Civ VII entered new age and lost all my ships
I lost to the antiquity "unhappiness revolt" crisis, and it was amazing
Cultural victory path in CIV 7 might be the worst wincon in any video game
The real leader we need! Pingala the best Civ 6 Governor and need be leader in Civ 7 DLC!
The Ultimate List of Things That Civilization VII Doesn’t Tell You
I'll do it myself! A small mod to sort resources and cities in Resource Allocation screen.
The Costal Fortification city state unique improvement is amazing
Trains are nigh unusable
Friedrich Baroque is insanely good for Culture Victory. Got a turn 56 win on Diety by capturing a lot of settlements for the free relics.
Is anyone else absolutely blown away by the music?
In the Dev Stream, they mentioned that quick combat isn’t as necessary anymore due to the new animations and I agree, but I think air combat is a different story
CIV 7 TIP: Your boats can explore coastal goody huts by clicking the raid button while next to them.
The Explorer spam in Modern is Hilarious
Anyone else bothered by this?
Modern era felt like just mindlessly clicking away the notifications
Sukritacts UI Mod has been updated. Supporting horizontally aligned unit banners
Civ 7 has crossed a 50% rating on Steam, currently at 51%
One of the most underrated improvements in Civ 7: Strategic resource requirements
This is what the new espionage report screen looks like. Nice work devs!
Civ VII is the best Civ game