What’s One Teaching Hill You’re Willing to Die On?
How long is your February break?
Season 4 Wishlist, maybe not realistic lol
What are some good sit down restaurants in/near Times Square that offer Vegan AND Meat options?
19 years ago today High School musical premiered? Did you like the movie ?
When should I start job hunting
Are American class sizes really that big??
What lesson did you learn after your last break up?
Would you consider yourself very picky, in terms of who you find attractive?
Love Some Insight/Support about getting over a guy I thought checked my boxes
When did it become okay to lie to candidates?
It’s not bad if you come in with realistic expectations
How has your physical appearance impacted your life, for better or worse?
How to discuss a forced change in position in a teaching interview?
What do you think is the most under rated Christmas song?
First Year Teacher- Need a Backup plan?
First year teacher- Back up plan?
Big Brother US 26 - Post Episode Discussion - August 29 2024
How do you make a classroom feel like your own when filling in for a maternity leave?
What is the most ableist policy/comment you have ever heard someone make?
What's a ugly attitude mindset that you're sick and tired of hearing or seeing happen repeatedly?
Insight on taking a catholic school teaching Job?
Two weeks post breakup, how long has it been for you?
What are some things that I (27F) can do during the first few weeks after my breakup (30M)to cope and ensure I remain healthy?
What are some things that you did during the first week after a breakup that helped you cope?