Setlist Thread 2/28/25 Bridgestone Arena Nashville, Tennessee.
Getting hyped!
Bluegrass flute
Record Shop in Nashville?
Anyone get tickets to the Chicago show at the end of June?
Looking to trade
Music City Predictions/Overdue Bust Outs
Need Help Finding A Song About Trains
Why did Trump Says Blue States Will ‘Totally Disappear Off The Map’ Next Year, Promises ‘Big, Big Surprise’
If yall have Videos or Photos from Bridgestone arena in Nashville anywhere in the section 300-333 area can you post them here? Trying to see if the seats are worth it.
Best Billy covers to show my 60 year old dad??
Are The seats good in section 300 at Bridgestone arena for Billy strings? ( If you been up there for a Billy show)
Who's your favorite band that covers the dead?
The two most useless men in the United States
Where’s Durbin?
Set list thread 2/16/25 🪕🔥
Decipher This
Who has the best gyros?
What's the post/pre season timeline look like? For trades, FA, draft, etc..
Bridgestone Sit In
May they cancel school Wednesday
The band you have seen the most times
[Cubs Insider] Cubs Camp Officially Opens, Bregman Still Hasn't Gotten Deal He Wants...
2-7-25 setlist thread