Now that I’m 19, I’m done with this
19F [l]
I don’t want to be an adult
it’s okay for me to die because most worth is on appearances
the things I went through just to get validation and love
my BDD makes me think i’m worthless and deserve to die for looking this way
Being 19, at this point my life truly is over and I don’t care for living anymore
The disassociation is me refusing to acknowledge I exist because it causes suffering
I love my small chest/butt and being skinny after hating it for so long
I’m sick of my personality not matching my body.
Can BDD lead to disassociation or I guess lack of caring about safety?
Born to be adorable and wear pink, forced to be whatever this is
So close to ending my life
big eyes
I’m going to walk somewhere, maybe someone will murder me
Why do people think they have the right to dictate the way others should look?
I really want to stab out my eyes
being sick actually makes me hate my body more
I know what I want to look like, the issue is getting there which worsens my BDD
Pretty and cute girls will always win, so I’ll just have to lose and die
I missed sm because of this
Being pretty would literally solve my mental state
Why does everyone have normal/pretty eyes?
Can’t even off myself because then people will see my dead body (gross)
Talking with an older man makes me feel young