PSA: Antivirus Description is wrong
Thoughts on WEX in wilds?
MH Wilds Impact vs Element phial on charge blade?
Endgame Crit Build Template
How do you guys feel about the Charge Blade?
Team comp goes beyond 2-2-2 or 1-3-2
A year later and peeps are still oblivious to Coduits tac
We all got fooled! NoDmgRocket Got Exposed by WintonOW2, The Biggest Healbotter Is Boosted by a OAA 4 stacks, Has Terrible Positioning And Couldn't even Aim with C&D
What do you find to be the hardest challenge to complete?
Fatalis feels impossible
When you see a spiderman in game, this is the only appropriate response.
LR and HR were never difficult after MH2, not even in the older games
Basically any depiction of the Four Symbols from Chinese cosmology
Tried to go out of my comfort style to try something new with Rey Dau as my muse!
Can someone please tell me how can i deal with this terrorist 😭😭
“No supps” says the fourth person in the lobby to hardlock dps.
What was the last video game that got you as hyped/impatient as you are for MH Wilds?
“Oh boy, how is the protagonist gonna get out of this one?… Wait-“
The thing has taught me that people arent good at playing aggressive
Last Fatalis Solo Kill for the road
At long last this freakin dragon is dead
What are you guys playing for the last week before launch?