What is this, but for marvel?
Good morning! Imagine a day in Maine without politics
Biggest threats to capitalism: free healthcare, world peace, and ending hunger.
Treib's nicht zu weit
More than 80% of Americans think buying a house now is a bad idea
Working "Class"?
The liberal reaction to Bezos new decision with WaPo is hilarious
I love the Ogryn shield. Convince me to use any other melee.
I swear I was in cover
New player who picked up Ogryn and has fallen in love with the Heavy Stubber. Any advice?
A) Trapper B) Tox Bomber C) Tox Flamer
What are some of the criticisms of state capitalism?
"In the greatest country on the world it's soccer"
Rpg you find has the best Warrior or martial gameplay?
You can't fire me! I QUIT!
Crit Recon Lasgun Build
To all my Smyker enjoyers try this ! (Alternative Melee)
Is Tactical Axe better crit weapon than Combat Blade?
Tactical Axe - any Suggestions/Recommendations
If poor people have it easy, then just be poor 🤷🏿♂️
PSA: Crystalline will works for true survivor
KU does not care about its students
How to survive societal collapse?
"Mark isn't a hypocrite"
Will Ogryn ever get more love/buffed?