just walked out of goodwill with the toy story 4-movie collection for $2.99 as well as Frozen with a surprise Mulan 1 & 2 inside
simple but perfect
Thrifted this painting today, it makes me feel happy when I look at it
baked spaghetti & burnt garlic bread
today’s pickups
breakfast tacos
avocado toast on homemade whole wheat sourdough
Baked Sourdough Donuts
How do you feel about caffeine and weed?
My mother’s cooking always turns out to be the most delicious food I’ve ever put in my mouth; no matter how simple.
Sweet and sour seitan pork
block of silken tofu + gravy
The “I haven’t gone grocery shopping meal”
birthday cake for my ❤️
I’m moving house and I finally got good photos of my entire collection
Carne Asada Pizza
first time trying Cinnaholic
breakfast tacos for dinner
this and gilmore girls
Smoked Tofu Sandwiches and Tea With My Friend ☕
Vegan coffee shop two blocks from my new place, had to get a cinnamon roll to eat later tonight. I am going to get so so fat, haha.
Beyond. Pepperoni. 🍕
the carne asada fries and pepperoni pizza that were so good, we had to immediately get it the very next day