Am I a dark friend for wanting the show to fail?
Overskride appreciation post
Should I start with NixOs or go with a "normal" distro first?
Ensemble Images
Taravangians bluff (WaT spoilers)
Can I continue using Wealthfront HYSA as a non-resident?
Why so much hostility against Self Hosting?
Claude Code Package Request
If DI carries a 0.09% fee, how does it make sense for the Automated Investment Account to cost 0.25%?
Is the DO just a puppet that is meant to lose?
Would you avoid self-hosted software with ethical restrictions?
Nushell not autocompleting path
Why Immich over Photoprism?
Sunshine on NixOS not working as expected
what is this arch 'btw' version I've seen some folks talking about
Diet Coke Syrup
Do you config everything with .nix?
[WaT] Hoid, the SR, and P vs NP [WaT]
Range on Aqara Water Leak sensor is horrible…
colorscheme good for eyes
Just smoking 15 kilograms of chicken on a Weber 67 and Weber 57 (cm)
Why does the automated index investing portfolio use VIG?
UNAS Pro Backup using Proxmox Backup Server and Rclone
Joint Cash Account - checking features?