Roku fans been real quiet as of late
Day 4 Of Asking Who Is The Villian Of This Episode: Hank's Unemotionalable Problem
Day 8: Hated by fans, morally gray
WWE Video Games facts that sound fake but are true.
We all bow in terror to King Ghidorah, the newest Yellow Lantern of Fear. Which monster is best suited to serve the Star Sapphire Corps, Violent Lantern of Love?
Young Adult Fiction Book About 2 Brothers And A Dad With D.I.D.
What’s a Mortal Kombat take that’ll have you like this?
Ajax feels a couple cards short of a new deck archetype. Thought this would help.
How did Rex get his nickname?(wrong answers only)
Would Anakin have cut off Obi Wan's hand to save Palpatine in this scene?
Forget the Nicole Kidman AMC ad, Regal's ad is way worse.
Haven't seen Daken used at all is he worth the tokens?
Did somebody order the fish! 200 Klaus wins! Who's the most powerful version of the Smiths: part 7 - Jeff
Why is he so loved here
February Balance Patch
The worst thing each character has done Day 8 - Boomhauer
My Friends and I tossed the Pool Table out the Window
Alvarez: Punk significant injury at Royal Rumble. More to come.
Unedited photo critique.
Are you guys forgot about man-thing or man thing its just not a good card?
What deck names are y’all most proud of?
Bruce Banner Idea
Where can lighting and framing be improved here?
Which real person’s name made you think he could be a Roger persona?
My humble nomination for the worst scene of both series