Does the average person in universe think Batman has powers?
Favorite Gene Hackman Movie?
“He can come back when he is ready for Peace”
Whose POV for Winter would you read first today if Martin allowed you to read every chapter from one only ? I am torn between Jon Connington and Arianne as i love that plotline . ( spoilers extended )
Is Arkham City’s story overrated?
"Can You Hear Me?" is the MOST FORGETTABLE story (tied with the series 6 opener, but I don't remember why). But here's one that should ideally be memorable: What Dr Who story is the BEST FOR BEGINNERS?
Pokemon Legends: Z-A planned for late 2025
Comment as if you live in Gotham city.
[Hated Trope] - jokes created out of spite and hatred to piss off the viewer
For those who dislike the concept of the bat family why?
Media so extreme even fans of it tell you not to read it
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
Trump's antagonizing of NATO is genius
Drop your hardest Batman quote. Here's mine.
Why didn't they just kill and eat Tywin?
Well damn
Why do you think DC and WB care so much about Batman and his mythos compared to the rest of the trinity?
What's a fact about Jason Todd that not many knows about?
Spider-Man 3 should be a Peter Parker only game.
Share what order you played the arkham games in and did it bother you if it wasn't in order?
what famous line comes next?
I have never heard a Republican give a good reason for denying statehood to Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and other territories other than "democrats want it"
Favorite Springfield Video Game?
Best service weapon combo?