So frustrated
DAE feel like the world has been not quite right since the pandemic?
Do you ever meet childfree men?
Anyone else getting his hard with the flu/Covid this week or whatever else this is that’s going around.
Mom won't mask for her immunocompromised spouse
DAE : Do You Pre-Warn Your Boyfriend About Your Mood Swings Before Your Period? Because I Do!
what masks do you wear when it’s hot out?
He's a good travel buddy but not quite pulling his weight.... Lake Erie, Ohio
What's the deal with unmarked cars with blue flashing lights??
Camping spots to watch the Perseid meteor shower near southeast PA?
Salary expectations at engineering firm
I finally dyed my hair purple!
PA ASBOG Results
Working in geology with ADHD
AITA for paying more for my son’s college tuition compared to my daughter’s tuition?
AITA for telling my wife she's financially abusing me?
AITA For "forcing" a reunion between my fiancee and her family?
AITA for telling my mom I don't particularly care either way about some she posted on Facebook?
AITA for telling my roommate that she can’t clean her piercing with pasta water??
Typical billing rate to pay rate ratio
DAE find themselves wishing they would die, not because they're depressed, but because life is too complicated and takes way more effort just to survive at a basic level than they're capable of giving?
That "belly rubs by the fire" face
Refusing your daughter pain management due to menstruation is ABUSE
ELI5 how do we sing in-tune when we can't hear our voices the way others do?
Could I pull off dark hair?? This is my natural color.