What's life like for famous people/ 's children in college?
Students Attending as National Merit Scholarship Finalists: How has your experience been? Would you make the same decision?
is this controversial?
Is there any way to like pause college for a bit
Glorfindel and the Witch-king of Angmar - Me, Watercolor, 2024
The best book you have ever read
What is your favorite scary movie of all time?
What songs remind you of rdr2?
Chanupa Mission Question
What’s something you swore by when you were younger and haven’t broken it and never will?
Man just set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial. Nsfw
What was the gang’s worst mistake?
Teacher in HS made comments about my penis size in front of the class
My parents prohibited me from playing piano because I’m gay
If you could instantly know how to perform any single piano piece for life, which would it be?
People often focus on the shortcomings of modern day life (climate change, etc). What is the best part of living in this age?
Missed Story Messages
How are we feeling about this??
What song is this for The 1975?
IIL singers like Rex Orange County, WEWIL?