Why so sexualized
that one catnap user can’t be stopped…
Do not argue, be chill and lure them to other subreddits.
Weakest character that could beat a fully grown, peak health, bloodlusted African Elephant?
trading for trash rhyhorns
Who was "the weird kid" at your school and what did they do?
Why do I bother
what would you do if you find this in your walls?
Bet a edgy teen made this
Have I aged well? (F76)
Everyone instagram became a gore voilent hub
25k robux giveaway
Give me any character and I’ll explain how SJW loses to them
craziest thing you’ve seen online?
Just got Lord johnny
Just curious, who was the first main character twisted you ever encountered?
What’s your biggest pet peeve about the game or players? (image half related?)
Who wins?
Ik it’s KJ, but biggest comeback for me ever. (P.S. right after that guys started attacking me at the end, i ulted, he ulted but i 20-20-20ed him ;) )
What if toons were gender swapped? Main edition!
If She Never Died How For Do You Think She Would Have Gotten in The Show?
Who is…you know….