Marriott website
What team do you guys hate the most?
The US could've had the metric system if pirates didn't kidnap the scientist invited by Thomas Jefferson to help convince Congress. The scientist died before landing in the US.
Subway Sucks Now
Jackson being on the 20 dollar bill has been controversial and there have been efforts to replace him. What president would you put on the 20 if you could?
Aside from Washington and FDR, who could've won a third term if only given the chance?
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Any thoughts?
I Guess It’s Time to Share My Egg Stash...
I Present: The Scooby Doo Sandwich
You never know what you have till it’s gone
Subway went downhill since they killed the V cut.
Best Source for coin prices
I need help figuring this out. 1975 "IN GODo WE TRUST" penny?
Decision decision
Official Five Guys Price Discussion Megathread – Vent, Compare, and Discuss Here!
Lehigh Vallians, what is the best Pizza you've had in the area? Im talking taste, presentation, the works... Im looking for some dine-in.
Why does Lugauer feel the need to call the Yankees little brother every day?
What's a good pocket coin?
Who do you think will rock a beard now?
I need some help identifying the errors on these pennies so I can figure out what the value is
Why are American hotels so obsessed with carpeted floors?
TIL Barack Obama opposed the restoration of the Fairness Doctrine, which require broadcasts (be it television or radio) to present and report issues without any bias. It was introduced in 1949 and repealed in 1987.