It happens in pieces, doesn’t it
Hahaha not with ADHD because one task takes 3 hours due to side quests
Therapy is not working, I’m too self-aware
How to get liquor out of car carpet?
Just attended my dad’s funeral and…
Talk me out of it
Anyone else swing between being talkative and quiet?
The people who weren’t there…
Fellow SHs, do you feel like SH have effected you pain tolerance? How?
He’s gone
How to tell new job my dad might be dying…
Got the job…
I guess that's how she must've recorded this
My dad didn’t recognize someone for the first time today…
Weekly r/Tattoos Question/FreeTalk Thread! - October 21, 2024
Mom didn’t let other people hold or babysit me
Having an “Oh! I didn’t conjure a cultural identity crisis all on my own!” moment
My mom's version of a nice Saturday chat
Why do we* dislike taking a shower?
What do I tell people after I come out of my depression spiral
It took me a week to paint my nails
Big TW (relapse, alcohol, substance abuse)
Welp, I did it