Drake the type of perky pecker to react to getting kissed like this
Drake the type of dude to go, "Let's check out the cheese pull. Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about." When he's eating something with melted cheese
Drake the type of dude to sell contraband out of his coat
Drake the type of pervert Peter to cut a hole in a popcorn bucket and stick his dick in it
Drake the type to dress up like darth vader for halloween
Drake the type to post this Pic when losing an argument
Drake the type of dude to call money, "cheese"
Drake the type a guy to write a bodyswitch,clone,and time travel episodes in his tv show as filler
Drqke the type of multiplayer madman to have a video game that has 4 controllers that can go into it
Drake the type of PC Preston to call this a "snowperson"
Drake the type to graduate high school at the ripe age of 25
Drake the type of math-whiz matthew that when asked how he’s doing today, he says “the logarithm to the base seven of 2401 is four” as a response
Drake the type of pizzeria pete to somehow manage to lose weight simply by removing all the grease from his pizza
Drake the type of dude to say, "acrosst" instead of "across"
Drake the type to do a cover of "Wrecking Ball" or something, and he tries to put a twist on it by dragging it out and being like, "I came in like a... Oh yeah I came in like a... Ohhh yeah I just came in like a. Like a wrecking ball." To try and sound good, but it just makes everyone cringe
Drake the type of dude to fall for the black eye binoculars prank
Drake the type to miss his sons birthday, so he tells his son to guess what he got him, and Drake just keeps saying, "Better."
Patrick Star images that are burned into my brain
Drake the type of dude to get a low taper fade
Drake the type of dude to pronounce "worchestershire" like "worchestershire"
Drake the type of dude to call wrestling, "wrastlin"
This spiral staircase i thought was a screw
Drake the type to go, "Look at the elbows," before high fiving someone
Drake the type of Hypnotizing Howard to swing a pocket watch and say “you are getting veeeeeery sleepy”