For people who look young for their age, what are the pros and cons?
Do you think they will ever have a gay bar here
Local Loser Conservative MPP Doesn't Show up for Education Forum
INFJs, what is your experience in being sensitive to criticism?
No one who voted for Trump is angry at him
Vintage shops absolutely suck
Oh Canada, End this TIP CULTURE. Its Disrespectful.
What’s a life hack so good you almost don’t want to share it?
Has anyone here learned to draw when they were old?
Do you have difficulty saying or hearing your own name? (Alexinomia BSc research)
I don't find certain types of public freakouts funny
Am I Terrible For Hating This Movie Before it Comes Out?
What do you miss about the pandemic?
Brantford is #1!
What is the most mentally unwell subreddit?
Disney movies aren’t getting worse, the audience is maturing.
I feel like I'm going insane, murder is not ok!
What was the lowest point in your life?
What happened to the goth kid in your class?
What’s something you always need to think of that able-bodied (or generally non-disabled) people don’t?
Late diagnosed autistics what was something you did as a child that should (finally) have made someone take a closer look but didn’t?
What's something that is actually more common than people think it is?
Need advice on cat who has behavioral issues with the litterbox
What is your biggest fear when it comes to money? What’s the story behind why you became frugal?
Does anyone else appear youthful to the point of not being taken seriously?