In my opinion..
This person thought my name is horny
From a conversation me and a mate had
A Ceasefire means only one thing....
Scanning for cloaked lights in Season 6!
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh...
Every day they stray closer to ROCK AND STONE!
"Raise weapon" is the first emote which you can use and move at the same time
Ramsteed Oberon
This is what happens when you crush a cake
Portitor Heavy VTOL
Conveyor block teasers for SE2
New weapon idea for Light / Medium class, what do you guys think?
You guys (presumably) love women
Not gonna lie I cried just a little.
Grwvity bomb (or nuke)
Highland Calf Loves Scratches
night city is not the best place to live
We're Rich! We're Ri- ENOR PEARL HERE!! (meme edit inspired by u/TrueGrandPillager's post)
My neighbo
Fuck i'm 14 and think this is Shit Piss Deep in Deepness
Oh hello there 🤭
Cerberus shotgun inconsistency
Standard 😂