Trump voter who put his life savings into paper straws gets screwed by Trump’s EO to end use of paper straws.
Question for the ladies; the grocery store thing
What is the most wild thing breeders have said to you?
Ladies,why is is never enough?
Disclosing ADHD to potential romantic partner
Dating, love and kinks- not an easy search!
Unpopular opinion…
Twelve reasons why Women over 50 no longer want a relationship
No, I will not be hosting your toddler during my holiday break.
Any good online female therapists to help me decenter men?
Why don’t conservative men just go after conservative women?
"Dating: Why successful women over 50 can't find a man" (Newspaper article excerpt)
After Trump’s election, women are swearing off sex with men. This has been a long time coming
Texas is going to be ground zero for the worst policies in the country
All the men whining about 4B. Wow.
On choosing yourself.
Questions to ask my GenX sister’s new Millenial bf to make sure he’s ok?
Is this a universal experience amongst 30+ women in relationships with men?
What's a good response to "You don't need feminism because this is America; if you want to be oppressed go to the middle east"?
Right wing selling apathy
Hey women of America. Breathe.
UPDATE: My bf made a one off comment and I can’t stop thinking about it…
The men aren’t coming to save you.
Concerned about Gen Z Women after Gen Z men voted in huge numbers for Trump
To all those women who have decentred men from their lives, how do you stay hopeful?