What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen at an Enter Shikari show? I'll start, at my local gig Rou climbed the balconies on the side so he could sing from them, man has no fear and is securities worst nightmare
Even the lore guy is getting in on it and I'm all here for it
wait...if a token dragons shows up with another dragon shows enters then that means... 😳... 😂my man... 🤝
Goodwill Factory Sealed Deck/Pack?
MTG X Spider-Man Confirmed to Have No Commander Decks (from Hasbro Earnings Call via mtgrocks)
Dumb ways to lose lmao
Where do leaks come from?
Blue people set?!
Explain the plot of Tarkir Dragonstorm wrong answers only
What's the best color in DFT limited: environmental storytelling
Didn't wanna jump through the bunch of hoops to post this on r/custommagic so i'm putting it here
Every 100 upvotes extends Sephiroth's sword, top comment gets added to the background
New SL bonus card found online #0813
Explain the plot of a magic set poorly.
3 SLD's announced for FF releasing near the set's release
Critics of UB can sit down now. Standard has never been healthier.
[SLD] Jesper Ejsing: Bonus Card
First look at 2B and A2 1/4 bunny scales by Freeing
Least insane EDH player:
Bimbo magic is now real!
Blurry Picture of Cat
I posted a painting on a different thread but it had no crop potential. So I made some adjustments for you guys.
Sometimes I wonder if I exist in the same universe as commander players