Every TCM the game has one. DAY 5. “Uhh… whats your name again?”
Hot take: if you win as a traitor, you should probably feel bad
here’s what really tanked this season for me
[SPOILERS] Tom Sandoval was actually in the process of making a good point before that Freudian slip
If you see this low life just leave…
A perfect “Just Leave” moment 💖
This bones was hacking and killed us all at the start of the game
Was Danielle like this on Big Brother?
Every TCM the game has one. DAY 4. The only normal person.
The traitors finale viewing party in NYC
Thinking about expanding on my Halloween collection, what should I get next?
Every TCM the game has one. DAY 3. The hot one.
Ranking the characters by how hot i find them!
Problems with U.S casting
TCM3 leatherface cosmetic
What year were you introduced to Faze Rug?
How do the faithfuls not hear the traitors exit their rooms to go to the turret?
Every TCM the Game has one. DAY 2. Made to be hated.
Every TCM: the Game has one. DAY 1. The fan favorite.
Can someone explain to me?
A reliable Spiller has said...
Even the boogeyman needs a break
Season 3 Episode 10 Discussion - 02/27/2025, 9pm EST - Peacock
Can somebody explain the “hateeeee” policy that will get you permanently banned? Like if u disagree with a player can you not express that? This is so tedious!
Rules Question